How do I manage my business on TripAdvisor?

Click here. Search for your business. Click Claim your free listing and follow the instructions….Once verified, you will be able to:

  1. Update your property's key details and amenities.
  2. Upload and edit photos and videos.
  3. Respond to reviews.
  4. Get more reviews.
  5. And much more!

How do you become a part of TripAdvisor?

To become a member, click the Sign In link at the top of most Tripadvisor pages. You have the option to continue signing in with Google, Facebook or with your email address and each process varies.

How do I list my hotel on TripAdvisor?

Welcome to the Support Forum! After reading the criteria for accommodations listings, click on the Accommodations blue hyperlink title on the left column. On the new page, you'll find a link to the form to request your listing.

How do I log into my business on TripAdvisor?

Once you have a TripAdvisor Rentals listing, then you can log in and manage your property. You can access your account via your browser or the Vacation Rental Owner app.

How does TripAdvisor make its money?

TripAdvisor makes money from click-based advertising, subscription services, commissions, sponsored placements, listing fees, and reservation fees. The firm classifies its income into 3 distinct categories, namely Hotels, Media & Platform, Experiences & Dining, and Other.

How much is TripAdvisor business advantage?

The cost to advertise on Tripadvisor using Business Advantage starts at $499 a year. To sign up, visit:

Does TripAdvisor cost money?

TripAdvisor basic listings for accommodations, restaurants and attractions are free. There are fees for some enhanced listings, which include features free listings do not.